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PRINCIPAL   Mr Mikaere October MEd, Post Grad Dip Teaching, BEd

Deputy Principal    Ms Ginny Bellamy, BA, Dip Tchg, Cert MM

Deputy Principal    Ms Amy Wildash, BA, Dip Arts, G Dip Tchg, G Dip Career Dev

Deputy Principal Mrs Jenny Mays Bsc (Hons) MSc PGCE Secondary Education
Assistant Principal / Principal PN Gary Walters HDE (Sec)

Assistant Principal  Mr Jonathon Stanhope, BSpLS, G Dip Tchg

HOD Art    Mr Glenn Barr, BA, FA, HDE

HOD English    Ms Nicola Bowe, BA, QTS (UK)

HOD Guidance    Mrs Angela Barr, BA, HDE, BEd, MCouns

AHOD Guidance    Mr Paul Barr, BA Dip Tchg

HOD Māori Studies    Mr Jimmy McLean, Dip Bilingual Tchg, Dip Tchg, BEd, MHP

HOD Mathematics   Mrs Tracey Webster, BSc, BEd, Dip Tchg

HOD Physical Education  Mrs Mel Emery, BSpLS, G Dip Tchg 

HOD Sciences    Ms Katie Elliott, BSc, Dip Tchg, Cert SMM  

HOD Social Sciences  Mr Owen Roper, B.A.  Grad Dip Teaching

HOD Special Education    Mrs Jackie Redward, BEd

HOD Technology   Mr Nigel Rowland,  BSc (Hons), PGCE

AHOD Maori   Mr Te Manaakitanga Pryor, G Dip Tchg, BA (Maori)

AHOD Special Education   Mrs Yvonne Shepherd, G Dip Tchg

Learning Support Coordinators 

Robyn McConnachie BEd, DipTchg

Della Cuthbert, MSpec Tchg (Hons), BA, BM Ed, P.G DipTch

Daniele Davies BM Ed


Asst HOD English    Ms Jaime-Lee Coffey, BA, Dip Tchg

Asst HOD Mathematics    Mrs Sarah Shaw,  G Dip Tchg, BSc

Asst HOD Mathematics Mr Amanpreet Grewal, BSc, GDip Tcng, GDIP Business Studies

Asst HOD Science Mr Darren Florence BVSc, DipTchg, PGCertDCL

Asst HOD Science Ms Annetjie Botha, BSc (Hons), MSc, HDE (Sec.)

Asst HOD Social Science  Mx Deanna Foster, BA, G Dip Tchg

Asst HOD Technology     Ms Sue Lai, BA (Hons), PGCE

TIC Music    Mr Alex Kim, Grad. Dip Tchg (Sec) BA Music

TIC Spanish  Ms Sarsha Deeley, MA, Dip Tchg

TIC Japanese Mrs Hilary Harison, BA, Dip Tchg  

TIC Food Technology Mrs Julie Reihana, BCAS, Dip Tchg 

TIC Health Mrs Adelaide Roper, BSpSc, Dip Tch

TIC Gateway Ms Karen Benge, BEd, Dip Tchg, CAT

TIC Business Studies Mrs Nicholine Walters, HDE (SEC) Business Studies

Specialist Classroom Teacher   Mrs Elanor Boyce, MA (Hons), G Dip Tchg

Service Academy Manager  Mr Fraser Shaw,  Corporal 

Careers Specialist Julie Ball BEd(Tchg) PGDip SpEd PGDip Career Development

Judith Graham, PhD, M.Couns, B.Ed, T.Coll Diploma

COL Junior Pastoral Support Donna Huntingdon

COL Numeracy Amanpreet Grewal
COL Literacy, Reading and Writing Kim Wilson
COL PB4L Kim Wilson/Hilary Harison
COL Pou Tikanga Manaakitanga Pryor

COL STEMM Darren Florence


Natarsha Paciuszkiewics - Science Technician
Gary Waller - Technology Technician

Pastoral Support Team

Mr Paul Makiha

Mr Brendan Stevens 

Junior Pastoral Team

Mr Brett Wharewera - Year 9 Dean

Mrs Julie Reihana - Year 9 Dean
Mr Gareth Vlotman - Year 10 Dean
Ms Sarsha Deeley - Year 10 Dean

Senior Pastoral Team

Gareth Vlotman & Sarah Shaw Year 11 Deans
Adelaide Roper & Jeff Lee Year 12
Nicolne Walters & Jeff Lee Year 13

Subject Teachers

Mr Stephen Armstrong, B.Ed, B.Th, PGDE Guidance, Dip Tchg - English

Mr Philip Andrew, BSc, HDE - Science, Mathematics   

Miss Joanna Boonen, B.A G Dip Tchng - English

Mrs Elanor Boyce, MA (Hons), G Dip Tchg - Social Science, Geography

Mrs Karen Esterhuzien, BCom, G Dip Tchg - Mathematics

Ms Jessica Harvey , MTchgLn, PGDip – English

Mrs Donna Huntingdon, BTchg, Post G Dip Ed - Mathematics

Ms Pia Knight, BTchg (primary) – SEC Teacher

Mr Jeff Lee, MEd, BFA - Visual Design, Art, Photography

Ms Majella Lynch, G Dip Tchg, BEd - SEC

Mr Phil Pickering, BA, G Dip Coms, Dip Tchg - DTG, CAM

Ms Jeanette Pleijte, BA G Dip Tchg- Careers, Gateway

Ms Julie Reihana, BCAS, Dip Tchg - Food Technology

Mrs Jackie Greenwood - Mathematics

Mr Jeremy Steane, BSc (Hons), MSc, PGCE - Science, Biology 

Ms Sára Szabó, MA, MEd - English

Mr Mike Te Kurapa, BSocSc, G Dip Tchg - Maori, Social Science

​Ms Susan van Enter, BSc, DipTchg, PGCertAppPrac - Science

Mrs Corin Verstagen,  BAs, G Dip Tchg - Science

Mr Gareth Vlotman, PGCE, SPm DM - Physical Education 

Mr Toko Waaka, BEd, BVA, Advanced Dip in Whakairo - Carving, Social Sciences

Mr Alex Wenzel, BEd, BA (Hons) - Science

Ms Kim Wilson, BA, Dip Arts Eng, G Dip Tchg - English, Social Sciences

Ms Morgan Young, G Dip Tchg, B Media Studies - English, DVC

Mr Paul Tietjens - BSpEX, Post Grad DIp Teaching
Mr Paul Thompson - BSc, Dip (Mgt), Grad Dip Teaching, Secondary

Mrs Adrienne Pomare - Hauora Kaiāwhina
Mr Hamish Galloway - AAT Tutor

Mr Henare Rangitaawa - Landskills tutor

Teacher aides

Toni Harvey

Sharon Cousins
Lisa Bethell

David Kinghazel

Molly Ellery

Tohupotiki Wrathall

Mathew Amoroa

Teacher aides - Special Education Centre

Brook Doherty

Jason McWilliams

Bev Gordon

Dianne Monika

Averil Kay

Michelle Mitchell

Cheryl Latham

Sandra Kalman

Melanie Watson-Paul

Liz Bregman

Elliott Mason

Michelle Lagocki

Rebecca Horton

Krista McCaughley

David Postlewaight

Leigh Brown

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