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2024 Senior Subject Selection

During whānau time this week on Wednesday 30th August, our Senior Subject Selection Course brochure will be available for students to read and discuss with their  Whānau Ako teacher. Students will have a form to complete that will help them to plan out their course selection for 2024. 

Course selection is done online through the parent portal. This will be open and available from the start of week 8 of this term (Monday 4th September). It will remain open until the end of this term. This allows 3 weeks for students to input their course selection.


Please click here to view instructions on how to use the parent portal.



Senior Subject Selection Evening 

On Wednesday 20th September, we will be holding an NCEA Information and Subject Selection evening in the auditorium for whānau and students to attend. This will serve as an opportunity to find out about the upcoming changes to NCEA and how it works, as well as an opportunity to meet informally with subject teachers to discuss the courses on offer to your student.

If you wish to discuss this further, or require any further information, please do not hesitate in contacting Deputy Principal Jen Mays at the school, or via email at

Please click the image below to view the 2024 Senior Curriculum Guide 

Jenny's copy- Senior subject selection.png

To view the 2024 Senior Curriculum Guide in a PDF version, click here.

Please click the image below to view the 2024 Senior Academic Guide 

Senior Academic guidelines- online version.png
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